Category: Scholarships
The Denver Difference Brings DU’s Future to New York City
The University of Denver recently celebrated the launch of The Denver Difference, our billion-dollar fundraising campaign, in New York City.
A full house of alumni, friends and parents gathered at Great ...
The impact of a great teacher goes on. So does the gratitude of his students.
Jerome (Jerry) Kesselman came to DU’s Accountancy Department in 1946 and last taught a course more than two decades ago. During his tenure he achieved near legendary status for his ...
Supporting Native American Culture by Giving to DU
Dan (BSBA '63, JD '72) and Beth Whittemore have long demonstrated their commitment to Native American culture both through their work with the community and through their philanthropy.
When they lived ...
Career Difference-Maker: The Daniels Alumni Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship
When Daniels Executive Ph.D. student Derek Ricke was looking to “better understand corruption in the corporate environment and how firms can leverage the ideas of leadership, ethics, and corporate culture ...
DU and The VF Foundation Launch New Outdoor Leadership Industry Program
Where will future leaders of the outdoor industry come from? Thanks to a $3 million grant from The VF Foundation, the answer is DU’s Leadership in Outdoor Recreation Industry (LORI) ...
A Life in Sonata Form
From Lamont Scholarship Recipient to High-Impact Lamont Donor
According to music scholars, a sonata typically has three movements: a beginning or exposition, then a new development, and finally a recapitulation or ...
Scholarship Seeds Planted in New Mexico are Flowering at DU
Ten years ago, when philanthropist Andrew Davis invested $60 million to fund the Davis New Mexico Scholarship, it inaugurated a remarkable opportunity for first-generation college students from that state – ...